Social Groups
Have fun and make new friends in the community with Via Wings Social Groups.

Crafters' Corner
Crafters’ Corner is a great social activity for those who love crafts. Bring your own project, enjoy a coffee and a chat. It is on the 2 nd and 4 th Thursday of every month in the Via Wings conservatory from 10am until 12.00 noon.
Why join Crafters Corner
There are many great reasons to get out of the house and meet your community with our fun social groups.
Fun & Friendly People
It’s fun to get out of the house and socialise with like minded people who share similar interests.
Something New
You get to create something new, learn tips and share ideas in a warm comfortable space.
Provides A Break From Normal Routine
Having a weekly or monthly group to attend breaks up your week with something different.

Recycled Teenagers
Recycled Teenagers is our intergenerational programme. This group of people, who are of a certain age, named themselves with humour. Through this group we aim to help break isolation, bring people together in a warm and welcoming space, provide activities to take part in and finish with a warm meal together. They meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 11am-1pm.
Why Join Recycled Teenagers
There are many great reasons to get out of the house and meet your community with our fun social groups.
Widen Your Social Circle
By joining one of our great social clubs you get to meet new people in your local area with shared interests.
Something To Look Forward To
Being part of a social club that you enjoy, gives you something to look forward to.
New Experiences
Joining our Recycled Teenagers group allows you to experience new activities and opportunities with great people.

Walking Club
Our Walking Club meets the 2nd Wednesday evening of the month at 7pm outside Via Wings. This is a chance to get together in the fresh air, get some exercise and have a chat with others. Getting out for a walk is a great step to look after your mental health.